From my experience, it is now clear to me that mindset will change everything. Having the proper mindset while doing a task will result in infinitely higher chances of success.
For example, if I was learning a subject that I didn’t like, I would tend to not get all the things inside my head, even though I can actually understand it. At the same time, if I was studying something that I like, but is hard to understand, I would be able to easily get it into my head.
We have to have a mindset geared for success, a mindset that puts you above the rest, a mindset that draws the line between you and everyone else. A mindset that you’re capable of doing a task, understanding it and replicating it.
So that is my hypothesis — Your mindset towards the things you do changes the outcome.
Regardless of the difficulty of the subject you’re attempting, if you simply believe you can understand it and do it, you will definitely be able to. Studying is simple. Just apply your mind into it and you’ll understand it. For the sake of understanding a concept, cleanse your hatred for it. It will do wonders.